Monday, September 15, 2008

Soldiers' Angels

I was reading a friend's blog today & she had this posted. It is a site that lets you "adopt a soldier". It only involves you writing a quick note or send a card at least every week and they ask that you send at least 1 or 2 care packages a month which can include anything from personal hygiene to snacks or movies and CDs. I'm sure it can be so lonely over there & a little note & care package that may take you thirty minutes tops per month is all it takes to make their day! :) It involves all branches of the military. I filled out my application today! I'm waiting to hear back, so that I can start sending! ;) They way I look at it is...even if you don't support what is going on over seas, we should still support our boys over there! Every single one of those soldiers over there is SOMEBODY's SON, DAUGHTER, HUBBY, WIFE, BROTHER, SISTER, OR MOMMY OR DADDY! Let's help make their days a little better! ;) We need to thank them for their selfless acts of courage and commitment!! Please take a minute and visit to discover some of the different ways that you can become involved. They have many campaigns from letter writing and quilting to Bake Me A Wish, which send over birthday cakes. Its quick and easy and I know that its greatly appreciated!!!

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