Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bad Blogger

I know it has been forever since a blog post, but school has been WHEW! Fabulous news on that...
  1. Took my last test ever in Family Nurse Practitioner school! Made a 98 by the way.
  2. My final project is complete & ready to be turned in! That means no more homework!
  3. I have 104 hours of clinical left, I know that sounds like a lot, but it's really not. Not compared to the 500+ already done this year!!
  4.  There are only 36 days left until the last day of school.
  5. There are only 48 days left until GRADUATION!!!!
  6. WHOOP WHOOP. I know that isn't supposed to be numbered, but hey...
So I'm hoping from this point on that I'll be a better blogger. If not. Tough sh#t. ;)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

it's coming. . .

Graduation that is!! Only 72 days left until we are finished with school completely. BUT, there is really only 61 days left of SCHOOL!!!! WOW!! it's almost done!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cake Wreck

Lets just start with, it's going to be Logan's 3rd Birthday in a few days. Not to be all stupid/sappy or anything, but WHERE THE HELL DID THAT TIME GO? How has my precious baby turned into a English speaking, in-dirt-playing, wild, funny, monkey of a little KID? He's not even classified as a Toddler anymore...he's a kid!? It's nuts & its exciting & makes me a little sad at the same time! So there's my mommy whinning. Done.

To the matter at hand, birthday cake. We usually pay someone to do a birthday cake for Logan's birthday. This year I decided that is stupid. I'm not paying the stupid amount of money to do something that I should be capable of doing myself. You see that "should" word in the previous sentence. Well, you know I got to thinking, you can Google anything & I do mean ANYTHING these days (as a friend so hilariously pointed out to me the other night at dinner...I haven't thought something was so funny in a long time....Thanks to you know who you are & NO I'm not gonna blog what you googled!!!) Anyway...tangents are something I'm really good at! :) So, I googled a few tips on how to make a great cake. I'm thinking to my self, how hard can this be...I paint a little...sometimes those turn out alright. So I should be able to do the same with some icing right? Not so much. I gave it a little shot last night. Again...bad. So I will admit that the cake part was so awesome, and the cake does taste really good actually. Its. Just. Ugly. ;)

Have you seen those things on TV that make the Giant Cupcake Cakes? Well every time that commercial comes on TV Logan gets all excited & talks about how much he wants some "birthday" that looks like that! He calls cakes, "birthday"? So I got one for free at the market in Las Vegas, so I thought I would use this for this little Birthday cake.

Here you go. This belongs on the Cake Wrecks website.

However I must admit, my little research on google about how to make a moist cake, did work...This cake is Yummy!!! (even though it is so ugly)


Moral of this story...don't try to make a pretty cake. Not possible. ;)