Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Egg Hunting

We had an Easter "egg hunt" on Good Friday. We did it then, because I had to work on Easter. Our friends Lori & Michael brought their little girl Acey Claire. Logan & Acey seemed to have a good time. I just cannot believe how fast they are growing up.
This is what Acey Claire thinks about the eggs in a basket...
What a sweet little girl!

Logan taking off toward the house!! Always trying to explore alone!!easter 2009

Down....Set....Hut Hut Hut!easter 2009

easter 2009
Found something other than an egg to play with...
easter 2009
My friend Jennifer said that Logan looks like a "meathead" in this picture...thinking..."uhh...anyone know where the weightroom is?" hahahaha! It is kind of funny!
easter 2009
Always gonna find a stick! We can be anywhere...and he'll find a stick...even if it isn't in an outside area? Who knows?
This is what happens when you take the stick away...
easter 2009

Acey's such a doll! This is her newest thing! When you ask her where anything/anyone is...if it isn't in her immediate vision....this is what you get...easter 2009

It was so fun! I can't wait to see what happens at next years Easter Egg Hunt! They'll probably be a little funnier next year! Or We'll be doing my running around chasing them! :)

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! We had so much fun. I need to do better about updating my blog and putting pics on Facebook! LORI
